Design & Planning for DIY Kitchen Remodeling

If you're planning on DIY’ing your kitchen remodel, there are a few things you should know first. Things rarely run smoothly when you're not industry-trained, especially when it comes to complex systems, such as electrical and plumbing. 

Here are a few tips you will definitely help you on your kitchen remodeling journey —

1 - Know where the plumbing is.

Wet walls are walls that have water pipes. Dry walls are pipes that do not have water pipes. You’re going to know which ones are which if you want to complete a successful DIY kitchen remodeling project. One wrong hit with a sledgehammer or power tool and you could be faced with flooding and some very costly repairs. 

2 - Know where the electrical wiring is. 

One wrong move on a wall with electrical wiring, and it won’t just be a flood that you’re faced with: it’ll be an electric shock that is enough to knock you unconscious or even kill you, or heat and sparks that eventually lead to a house fire and put you and your entire family in grave danger. 

3 - Paint the room before you add the flooring. 

You’ll kick yourself if you don't because the paint splashes will rain down on your new flooring and somehow cover it, no matter how many dust sheets and similar you use. 

Painting is always one of the messiest jobs. Even the most steady of roller-painters gets splashes. It’s just gravity working its magic. 

4 - Make sure you’ve incorporated enough lighting. 

The last thing you're going to want is to get to the end of the project and then realize you can barely see anything from your new lighting arrangement, should you want to cook in the kitchen after the sun goes down. 

Will your new lighting arrangement offer sufficient lighting to cover all nooks and crannies of your new kitchen? If you're not sure, ask an electrical or lighting expert. 

5 - Have you remembered the trash cans? 

One of the things that homeowners complain about post kitchen remodel, is the lack of trashcan spots. You just don't seem to remember that the trashcan exists when it comes to remodeling, but you'll kick yourself if you don't remember to add some space for those little extra bits and pieces that are hanging around in your kitchen. 

Is there a space for a kettle that won't warp a cabinet or shelf above it? 

Have you remembered to add backsplashes to the sink as well as the oven? 

Where is your microwave going to go?

Are you using the vertical space in the room as best as you can?

Think about the things that you use in your kitchen on a regular basis, and then work out how to best incorporate them into your remodeling project. 

6 - Know how long it will REALLY take. 

If you're attempting to do this job yourself, it’ll be easy to think: “I’ll have this done in no time!” 

In reality, it’ll take a lot longer than you think. If you’ve had to rip your entire kitchen out to do the remodel, you must remember the effect that will have on your family life, your work life, and your lives in general. You may need to find somewhere to stay during that time, and the longer the project takes you, the more you will be spending on other food sources, such as restaurants and take-out. 

7 - Know how much it will REALLY cost. 

Are you demolishing or simply rearranging? What about electrical and plumbing systems - will they need to be re-done? How's the floor looking - is it nice and even, or will you need a self-leveling compound before you choose your laminate flooring? 

Your job will be easy and simple and cost-effective until you get to the bare bones of it, and then you'll realize there are other things that also need to be factored in. Each of those ‘other things' will add more to the overall cost of your DIY kitchen remodel. 

And that's on top of the price of eating out every night for a few weeks or months until you get the job done, or nights spent in a hotel to get away from the paint fumes. 

8 - Consider value-adding features. 

Incorporating items that add value to your home now will leave you feeling very thankful later on, when it comes to selling. You'll want to get the best market price for your home when that time comes, right? 

One of the best things you can do, if you have the space and the funds, is to install an island into your kitchen during your remodel. It is one of the most sought-after things in the space, and it can be bought and professionally installed by a contractor for between $4,000 and $10,000, depending on the job.

9 - Hire a team of professional contractors. 

One way that you can avoid all of the hassles and stresses listed here during your kitchen remodel is to have a professional come in and take over the project. In doing so, you will be handing the reins over to someone who is experienced, trained, licensed, insured, and will know the solutions to a lot of the problems you’re faced with, without having to Google them.

Ready to remodel your kitchen? Contact us today for a free quote!

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